hari ni aku kelam-kabut menyiapkan report. 4 reports all together. So exhausted bila dah submit semua tu.. hopefully they will satisfy with d report. Walaupun aku sendiri x puas hati.
I could have done better. But with too many task.. dgn study lagi.. itu je yg termampu aku buat.
After office, I got to rush to midvalley. Need to meet my group member for our final project discussion. Normally, we meet at my office. Senang coz ada tempat 4 discussion.
But today, since ada org nak belanja, so we decide to meet at midvalley. Discussion over dinner. Aku mkn spagheti meetballs. Ok lah.
Habis discussion almost 8. Hubby pun dah sampai masa tu.. ronda2 sekejap. Beli mocha ice-blended kat San Francisco - less-less sweet. Then balik.
Sekarang ni tengah tengok Gubra kat astro kirana. Aku dah tgk citer ni dulu, tapi dah confuse between Sepet and Gubra.
Today, there is sth really mengejutkan terjadi. I don't want to talk about it. I really don't want to talk about sad thing that has happened. Although it is about other ppl, I felt so sedih. It makes me to appreciate those org tersayang around me. Love them as long as u still alive. When I met hubby after the discussion, I just feel like to hugs n kiss him kat situ juga. Sebak hati aku..