Friday, January 04, 2008


Aku rasa macam biasa je sambut tahun baru.. Not really excited. Byk yg plan in 2007 tak menjadi. My CGPA drop b'coz of 1 subject during my 3rd sem. Got A for 2 subjects and B for another. Sedey sesangat.. Aku rasa boleh dpt at-least A-, tried to appeal.. tp tak jalan. Although it is still above 3.5, tp aku tak dpt cert mcm for the first 2 sem.

Then I didn't get my promotion.. sampai sekarang aku still sedih. Really demotivated me.. although I got 2 increments, but still tak sama dgn promotion. My boss also surprised nape aku tak dpt..

Among my wish list for this year..
...complete my EMBA by June.. and to improve my grades off-course
...kumpul duit.. nak think about business after completing EMBA.
...mesti dpt promotion, klu tak aku nak berhenti je.. cari keje lain.. another house...
...tukar kete kut?


Sri Diah said...

Dear Dhill;
Ish lama sungguh tak menyinggah ke sini, selalu tumpang lalu saja depan rumah ;-) Yes, happy new year untuk Dhilla dan hubby semoga keceriaan 2008 ini akan membawa seribu rahmat dan kebahagian untuk you all berdua. Btw, jangan give up, tuhan sayangkan awak, sebab itu diuji dengan pelbagai dugaan. Teruskan study dan semoga wish list tercapai hendaknya.

Anonymous said...

thanx for stopping by... and for your 'doa' too!!!


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29 Jan 2009